

The Summer Ends Here

With Labor Day coming up Monday, Addison and I had an amazing last week of summer! We took a trip down to Minneapolis to visit our family and go to the Minnesota State Fair. The weather was amazing! Sunny and 75. Not too hot and not too cold. I had so much food and Addison had an apple cider freezie. Let's just say she loved it.

Meanwhile my sister asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding and for Addison to be a flower girl.  Of course we said yes! She made the most beautiful message in bottle to ask us.

I realized that I had never been to Minnehaha Falls so my mom took Addison and I there. It was so beautiful. Addison was mesmerized by the waterfall.

Addison and I headed to the farmers market this morning. But first I had to stop for some coffee of course. It was a beautiful 60 degrees and sunny. We bought some corn, tomatoes, basil, and a zucchini. There was some live music so we sat down at a table and listened. Addison loved watching him play his guitar. I fed her a bottle and just enjoyed spending our time together. She loves being outside.

And that was our end to the summer. We are more than ready for fall and excited to start the Halloween decorating! My favorite season.

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